
Friday, 31 July 2015

Mehi's Jam Bus Experience - Thursday 30th July

OH MY GOSH, Today was SOOOOOOO COOL because I got to record with Jam bus which is a Professional Recording Company that goes around different schools recording with them. I got to actually RECORD with them I mean like at first I was nervous because I thought that I would mess up and let the team down but luckily I didn't (I think)...We had a few practice rounds and then BOOM the magic was just about to BEGIN!!!

First all the musicians played their instruments for a backing track. After that, it was time to record the vocals, which were me and Ma'asi. I had a few mistakes but that's okay because we could just record it again but the clock was ticking and we needed to be efficient with the time. I sang and sang the verses and chorus' while WILLY WAS VIDEO RECORDING ME!!! It was SOOO FUNNY because I'll block the camera and then he'll try to sneak up and get a glimpse of me. After a while, I didn't really care. I actually called him one of the paparazzi's, but the good ones!!

Anywho, it was time to record the endings, 'MAKE THAT CHANGE' part. Even though it was so short it was quite hard because I had to make sure I said it clearly and I had to make sure it was in the right timing.

Then after morning tea I got to RECORD AGAIN!!!! YAY!! Well only for the song Titanium which was sung by Me, Ma'asi, Raena and Petra.

But after it was all done I actually felt sad because I LOVED THE WHOLE THING!!! I also felt SO PROUD OF MYSELF BECAUSE I ACCOMPLISHED ANOTHER DREAM OF MINE!!! It was a magical moment and I just LOVED IT!!! :) I even got TWO STICKERS FROM THE JAMBUS!!!
Moments like these in life are just so UNFORGETTABLE!!!

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