
Friday, 31 July 2015

Mehi's Jam Bus Experience - Thursday 30th July

OH MY GOSH, Today was SOOOOOOO COOL because I got to record with Jam bus which is a Professional Recording Company that goes around different schools recording with them. I got to actually RECORD with them I mean like at first I was nervous because I thought that I would mess up and let the team down but luckily I didn't (I think)...We had a few practice rounds and then BOOM the magic was just about to BEGIN!!!

First all the musicians played their instruments for a backing track. After that, it was time to record the vocals, which were me and Ma'asi. I had a few mistakes but that's okay because we could just record it again but the clock was ticking and we needed to be efficient with the time. I sang and sang the verses and chorus' while WILLY WAS VIDEO RECORDING ME!!! It was SOOO FUNNY because I'll block the camera and then he'll try to sneak up and get a glimpse of me. After a while, I didn't really care. I actually called him one of the paparazzi's, but the good ones!!

Anywho, it was time to record the endings, 'MAKE THAT CHANGE' part. Even though it was so short it was quite hard because I had to make sure I said it clearly and I had to make sure it was in the right timing.

Then after morning tea I got to RECORD AGAIN!!!! YAY!! Well only for the song Titanium which was sung by Me, Ma'asi, Raena and Petra.

But after it was all done I actually felt sad because I LOVED THE WHOLE THING!!! I also felt SO PROUD OF MYSELF BECAUSE I ACCOMPLISHED ANOTHER DREAM OF MINE!!! It was a magical moment and I just LOVED IT!!! :) I even got TWO STICKERS FROM THE JAMBUS!!!
Moments like these in life are just so UNFORGETTABLE!!!

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Mining Minsets by Shantai

This DLO is about Growth Mindsets (Minds and people that don't
 stop trying and don't give up). The WALT for this task was to write
down inspiring quotes that relate to a Growth Mindset.
I have also added the names of who wrote these quotes so if you
 would like to you can research them.

Mindsets by Deandra

This is a DLO presentation that I have made to show case my personal reflection of having a Growth Mindset. A growth mindset person is someone show does not give up, who perseveres through setbacks and takes charge of their life and they steer it down a path where they are promised a bright future. I would love to embrace having a Growth Mindset so that I too may have a bright future.

Thinkers Keys - by Deandra Cooper

This DLO(digital learning object) is a google presentation about 'Thinkers Keys', I have composed this presentation to support the information I have done myself that relates to our current inquiry unit which is 'Practising Peaceful Play.'

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Marcus and Andre's Guess the Shape Presentation

First week back to school and straight into the new geometry focus for maths - here two of our students Marcus and Andre have created a presentation that is designed to help students to learn about the different features of 2D and 3D shapes by identifying them using different clues. The task was designed to help out our junior classes and the students are looking forward to sharing their work with the Year 2 and 3 students soon.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

What some of our students are getting up to these school holidays

School Holiday Blogging

It is great to see some of our senior TPS students using their netbooks and blogging about different activities they are doing during the holidays or reflecting on their learning journey in Term 2.

This is a google drawing that I have created which is about a short reflection on my day at a fun Rock Climbing Place, which I went with my fellow friends a.k.a Junior Youth Group. Sorry I didn't blog this earlier it's just I was having some technical difficulties but alas it is here!

James @ Tamaki Primary School

I am learning to right a reflection about term 2.
I hope you can comment on my work so I can see what I need to work on or to see what I have improved on.
Thank you!

Hi. Today I was practising my multiplication for a little while, experimenting some games and seeing if they were actually a benefit to learning and practising multiplication. Some games I played...nooot so good, they were mostly running games, collecting coins, and if a question popped up, it would only be either a basic times table (like 5 multiples, 10 multiples, 2 multiples), or, a repeating question.

Then, out of the loss of hope, I went onto the games that were sort of basic, but would still help me practise.

So here is the loop cards, online....